Rats! That’s usually the first thought that comes to mind. You can just see the little furry rodents with their buck-teeth and beady eyes scuttling around back alleys. A lot of people say that rats are nocturnal, but is it true? We’ll cover the biology behind this claim to determine if it’s related to a rats eating habits or the rat’s natural sleeping patterns. Table of Contents Toggle Are Rats Nocturnal?Will Rats Come Out During The Day?What Time Of Day Are Rats Most Active?Conclusion Are Rats Nocturnal? Rats are rodents, and like other rodents, they are nocturnal. Rats are nocturnal…

Are Wasps Useful?
Wasps are very important in the ecosystem. They are scavengers and predators. They also pollinate flowers and crops like tomatoes, fruits, and many other vegetables. Wasps also have some negative effects on people. They can sting humans when they feel threatened or if they feel their nest is being threatened. The effects of a wasp sting allegy vary based on the species of wasp that stung you and how many times you were stung. Some people may have no reaction to a wasp sting while others may be allergic to the venom and experience life-threatening reactions. PEST PROBLEMS? Book…
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Are Yellow Jacket Wasps in the UK?
Yes, yellow jacket wasps are found in the United Kingdom. Yellow jacket wasps are native to North America and Europe. They are a type of predatory wasp that feed on other insects, such as flies, caterpillars, and spiders. They are also known to scavenge for food, such as sugary drinks and fruits. Yellow jacket wasps are easily recognisable due to their bright yellow and black stripes. They are typically between 12 and 16 millimetres in length and have a stinger at the end of their abdomen. They are considered to be nuisance pests due to their aggressive behaviour and painful…
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Avoid Wasps With a Home Made Repellent Remedy
If you want to keep wasps away, try the following methods yourself. If you have a wasp colony that is potentially hazardous to your safety and it is necessary to get rid of a wasp nest, call a wasp nest removal professional to remove the wasps. Table of Contents Toggle Using wasp baitsSet up a wasp trapWasp ZappersWasp RepellentsVinegar mixSoap detergent mixConclusion Using wasp baits Wasps are attracted to sweet products. You can use soda pop (7 Up, Sprite, Maintain Dew) or ripe and sweet fruits(pear or mango) as bait to detour the wasps elsewhere. Place the fruits in an…
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Can Pest Control Get Rid Of Mosquitos?
For a person who has a severe allergy to insect bites and the aftermath of those bites, pest control is an absolute necessity. Without pest control, a person will be forced to endure a life of constant vigilance for these pesky creatures’ appearance. Insects are everywhere, and they can be quite difficult to get rid of. They infest homes and buildings at all times of the year, but especially in the summer when they are more active outdoors. It is essential that you take steps to manage these pests before they become an ongoing problem. The following tips can help…
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Can Rats Climb Walls?
Many people are surprised to learn that rats can climb walls and ceilings. The reason for this behaviour is that rats are highly intelligent animals that are motivated to escape from danger. Rats have evolved to climb because it gives them a chance to escape from predators on the ground, such as cats and dogs. Rats use their claws to climb along vertical spaces, such as walls and pipes. They also use their tails to help balance themselves while climbing. When exploring new environments, rats will often climb up pipes or other objects in order to get a better view…
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Can Rats Spread Disease?
The short answer is yes. Rats can spread a number of diseases, but the risk to humans is generally low. In addition to being carriers of disease, rats themselves can become ill from exposure to some of these pathogens as well. For example, rats can get leptospirosis from drinking water contaminated with the urine or faeces of infected animals. Rats carry a variety of diseases, including parasites and viruses. The most common diseases are leptospirosis and hantavirus. PEST PROBLEMS? Book the experts today! Get A Quote In short, Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to…
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Can Wasps Make A Nest In Your House?
When spring is in the air, wasps seek a place to build their home. Like any creature, they leave their winter hibernation and explore new places to nestle when the weather becomes warm. Unfortunately, they don’t care if the area they choose is inconvenient. It could find a wasp nest in your shed or even your attic. Wasps are social insects that live in large colonies. They build nests out of paper and can be found in attics, garages, and sheds. These nests often have a queen that lays eggs for her colony. The workers feed the larvae and help…
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Common Bees And Wasps in the UK
Summer is here though the weather seems to be as mixed up as those working from home and losing track of what day it is. Longer days, barbecues and playing outside are expected at this time of year, but so is an increase in insects and the buzzing of bees and wasps is common. Many people have no problems with bees as long as they stay away, but their yellow and black striped wasp cousins are almost universally disliked. Any buzzing insect can be highly irritating if you’re trying to enjoy a picnic or some time outdoors, but how do…
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Differences Between A Wasp And A Hornet
Wasps and hornets do look very similar. But do they look the same? How can you tell a wasp from a hornet? There are several ways to do so. First, we’ll discuss the ways to tell them apart. These include their physical features and behaviours and which types of bees and wasps live inside and outside your home. Table of Contents Toggle Wasp vs Hornet SizeHornet Sting Vs Wasp StingWasp Nest Vs Hornet NestQueen Wasp vs Queen HornetConclusion Wasp vs Hornet Size Wasps and hornets are both in the order of Hymenoptera. They are closely related but have different physical…
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Do Rats Hibernate?
When it comes to rodents, rats are one of the most notorious creatures that can cause havoc in a home. They chew on wires, destroy furniture, and even carry dangerous diseases. So, it’s understandable that homeowners want to be well-informed about these pests and their behaviour. One question that often comes up is whether rats hibernate. In this article, we will explore the topic of rat hibernation and look at the facts about this fascinating yet not-so-friendly species. PEST PROBLEMS? Book the experts today! Get A Quote Rats belong to a group of mammals that are known as…
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Do Wasps Hibernate In The Winter?
During the winter months, we do not see any new wasp activity. As such, we often think they are all hibernating. But the nest is still warm and active. So then, what exactly happens? Wasps are beneficial insects that are very helpful to humans. They prey on a variety of pest species, such as flies, beetles, caterpillars and many more. Wasps are also known for their stings which can be painful if you get too close to them. Although wasps generally have a bad reputation, these insects are actually quite beneficial to humans. They provide us with pollination services and…
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Effective Pet Flea Control Carpet Cleaning Measures
The key reason you have problems with flea removal from your carpets and rugs is that these tiny parasites have powerful claws which grip onto their hosts, and you can seldom get rid of them with a few sweeps. We must understand that flea extermination does not work overnight. Instead, it is a consistent and regular activity factored into your daily life, the result only seen and felt over time. This is why pet flea control is a must for your home for the general hygiene and health of your pet and family members. At the rate of laying 50…
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French Bed Bugs Sweep Across Europe
An epidemic of French bedbugs has swept across Europe and is either imminently due to arrive in the UK or – as is the fear of experts – have been here a long time. Social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok have blown up with footage of the bugs, prompting many horrified reactions from users as a range of domestic and commercial properties have shown up in videos. PEST PROBLEMS? Book the experts today! Get A Quote The deputy mayor of Paris, Emmanuel Gregoire, spoke about the epidemic and had the following to say: “You have to understand…
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Getting Help From A Wasp Nest Removal Professional
A wasp nest is a spot of paper-like cells where wasps live. They are often found in the attics of homes, under eaves, and in other isolated areas. If you have a wasp nest in your home, contact a professional to remove it immediately. Wasp nests can be dangerous for humans and pets if not properly removed. Wasp stings can be painful and even dangerous for certain people with allergies or other medical conditions. It’s important to remember that wasps are more aggressive when their nests are disturbed. Table of Contents Toggle Should I remove the wasp nest myself?What to…
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How Do Rats Get In The Loft?
Rats can squeeze through very small holes, so it is important to make sure that the loft hatch is properly secured. Rats can also climb up pipes and cables, so these should be secured as well. You may also want to consider putting a shelf or other obstacles on top of your loft hatch to prevent rats from climbing up into your loft. If you have an existing rat problem, it is worth considering installing rat proofing such as wire mesh over your loft hatch. This will stop rats getting into your loft and stop them chewing through wires and…
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How Does A Wasp Make A Nest?
Wasps are social insects, meaning that they live in colonies. The nest of a wasp can be made by either one queen wasp or by several different queens who will all share the same nest. There are two main types of nests that wasps build: paper nests and mud nests. PEST PROBLEMS? Book the experts today! Get A Quote Paper Nest Construction A paper nest is composed of paper pulp and saliva. The pulp is produced by special glands in the mouth of the wasps and mixed with water to form a sticky substance. This mixture is then…
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How Far Do Rats Travel From Their Nest?
As homeowners, we frequently come across various pests and rodents in our houses or gardens, and among them, rats stand out as one of the most notorious. Despite their unpleasantness, rats are truly fascinating and highly intelligent creatures, capable of displaying remarkable feats of strength and agility. One intriguing question that often arises when dealing with a rat infestation is how far these resourceful rodents can actually travel from their nests. PEST PROBLEMS? Book the experts today! Get A Quote In this comprehensive blog post, we aim to delve deep into this intriguing query and provide you with…
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How Long Do Rats Live?
In the year 2000, scientists at the Jackson Laboratory in Maine conducted a study that provided some insight into how long rats live. They took 20 male and 20 female rats, which were all genetically identical, and kept track of their lifespans. The results showed that males lived an average of 1,095 days (about 3 years) while females lived an average of 986 days (about 2.7 years). Table of Contents Toggle How Long Do Wild Rats Live?How Long Do Brown Rats Live?How Long Do Black Rats Live?How Long Do Pet Rats Live? How Long Do Wild Rats Live? The lifespan…
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How Long Will Peppermint Oil Keep Wasps Away?
The answer to this question is pretty simple. The duration of peppermint oil’s effect on wasps depends on how much you use, and how frequently you apply it. As long as the spray is effective and you’re able to reapply it every few days, then you should be fine for the foreseeable future. The reason that this works so well is because the smell of peppermint oil is offensive to wasps. When they smell it, they’re immediately repelled from whatever area it’s applied in. This makes it ideal for keeping them away from your home or garden. You only need…
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How Many Babies Do Rats Have?
Rats are a very prolific species and one female can have up to twenty babies in one litter. The gestation period for rats is about twenty days, so you can expect to see the babies around three weeks after mating. The first thing you’ll notice is that the mother will start nesting. She’ll find a suitable place for her nest and begin building it from whatever materials she can find – straw, wood shavings, paper etc. She’ll also start collecting food for her pups by eating more than usual and storing the extra energy in her body for later use…
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How Many Types Of Termites Are There?
Since termites mate in the spring, the new season will also bring a ton of “swarming”, leaving households across the entire country at a higher risk of termite infestation. These pests will begin their lives excited to bring significant damage to homes and other structures in the coming months. If you are wondering what you should be on the lookout for as the weather changes, we can help you out. Keep an eye out for visible tunnels in the trees on your lawn, the floorboards in your home and more. You may also be able to tell you have a…
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How To Deal With A Wasp Nest Problem?
Wasps can be identified by their narrow waist, which separates the thorax from the abdomen. One of the most common types of wasps is the yellow jacket. Yellow jackets are usually black with a yellow or white stripe on their body. They have two pairs of wings and can sting multiple times if needed. Yellow jackets nest in trees, under rocks, in attics, and in other places where they can find shelter from weather conditions and predators. Their nests comprise many combs that have either hexagonal cells or circular ones depending on the species. Each cell contains an egg which…
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How To Deter Rats
Are you tired of finding rats scurrying around your home, causing havoc and spreading germs? Do you dread the thought of sharing your living space with these pesky rodents, who seem to have made themselves at home in the most inconvenient places? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Rats are a common nuisance in many homes, and they can be relentless to get rid of once they’ve settled in. PEST PROBLEMS? Book the experts today! Get A Quote But fear not, because in this insightful and informative blog post, we’ve got you covered with all the tips and…
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How To Get Rid Of A Wasp Nest In Shed
Wasp nests can be built in various places, including under eaves or in attics. The wasps are attracted to the warmth of the house, and they will create a nest in any area that is dark and dry. If you notice a wasp nest on your property, it is important to remove it as soon as possible. This will prevent stings and also help reduce the number of wasps in your area. A wasp nest can be difficult to get rid of because there are many different types of wasps that build these nests. Some nests are made out of…
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How to Get Rid of a Wasp Nest in the Ground
If you have a wasp nest in the ground, it is important to take the necessary steps to get rid of it. Wasps can be dangerous and can cause painful stings, so it is important to take the proper precautions when dealing with them. Here are some steps to help you get rid of a wasp nest in the ground. Identify the type of wasp. Different species of wasps require different methods of removal. Knowing the type of wasp you are dealing with will help you determine the best way to get rid of the nest. Wear protective clothing. When…
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How To Get Rid Of A Wasps Nest Naturally?
If you’re the victim of a wasps nest, you need to take some steps to get rid of the nest. If you have a wasp nest in your yard or garden, you need to be careful when trying to remove it. Wasps are aggressive creatures and they can sting multiple times. If you are stung by one, you may experience an allergic reaction or severe swelling. If you get stung several times, it could be life threatening. Before attempting to remove a wasp nest, make sure that all children and pets are inside and away from where you’ll be working.…
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How To Get Rid Of Fleas in the Garden
Fleas are a common problem for pet owners, but if you have a flea infestation in your garden, it can be a nightmare. Fleas can cause harm to your plants and flowers, as well as spread disease to humans. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get rid of fleas in your garden. If you see small black spots on your plants that look like dirt or sand, they may actually be flea dirt. Flea dirt is made up of digested blood from the fleas that were feeding on the plant. If you see this on your plants,…
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How To Get Rid Of Pantry Pests
The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in your house. It is the heart of your home where you prepare meals and socialise with friends and family. But, did you know that your kitchen could also be infested by pantry pests? Table of Contents Toggle What are pantry pests?What Causes Pantry Pests?Pantry Pest Life CycleSteps To Eliminate Pantry Pests What are pantry pests? Pantry pests are common household insects that can cause major damage to your food supply, leading to a costly repair job or worse, a complete replacement of all dry goods. In this guide, we will…
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How To Get Rid Of Rat Urine Smell
If you have rats in your home, you know that the smell of rat urine can be quite strong. The problem with this is that it can linger for quite some time and it can be difficult to get rid of. While there are many different ways to get rid of rat urine, it’s important to remember that you will need to use an enzyme cleaner for this. The reason why an enzyme cleaner is needed is that enzymes break down proteins into smaller parts. This makes it easier for these enzymes to attack the proteins in the urine, which…
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How To Get Rid Of Rats In The Attic
Rats in the attic is a problem that is even more prevalent than you think. Many homeowners are not even aware that they have rats living in their attic until they begin to notice droppings, urine stains and other signs of infestation. While you may think that these pests are only a problem in large cities and rural areas, the truth is that rats can live virtually anywhere there is food, water and shelter. When it comes to rat removal, there are several different methods that can be used. However, some methods are better than others when it comes to…
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How To Identify & Get Rid Of A Dead Mouse Smell
What’s with that foul, intolerable odour in your house? There’s no doubt about it. There’s a dead animal whose smell has filled the house, but you can’t quite figure out what it is. Here are some common questions we get asked: Table of Contents Toggle What Does A Dead Mouse Smell Like?When Does A Dead Mouse Start To Smell?How To Get Rid Of Dead Mouse Smell?How Long Does Dead Mouse Smell Last?Is A Dead Mouse Smell Harmful To Health?What Is The Best Air Purifier For Dead Mouse Smell?Coffee Grounds For Dead Mouse Smell What Does A Dead Mouse Smell Like?…
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How To Keep Wasps From Coming Back?
Wasps are not only annoying as mosquitoes, but these flying insects can also sting you badly, and unlike bees, they can sting multiple times, which makes them dangerous. When it comes to getting rid of wasps, it is not as easy as simply using sprays, but you also need to remove their nests, and take some preventative measures. Read on to get answers related to some of the frequently asked questions about wasps: Table of Contents Toggle Why do wasps keep returning?Will Wasps return to a sprayed nest?Can I get rid of a wasp nest myself?When should you spray a wasp…
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How To Treat A Wasp Sting At Home
If you’ve been stung by a wasp, it’s important to know how to treat the sting properly. We’ll discuss the best ways to treat a wasp sting, including home remedies and over-the-counter medications. We’ll also discuss when to seek medical attention and how to prevent wasp stings in the future. Wasps are a common nuisance in many parts of the world, and unfortunately, they can sting when they feel threatened. If you’ve been stung by a wasp, it’s important to know how to treat the sting properly. We’ll discuss the best ways to treat a wasp sting, including home remedies…
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Interesting Facts About Cockroaches
Cockroaches are one of the most iconic insects out there and not in a good way! They’ve been depicted in film and literature for years upon years because they naturally make the skin crawl. Although roaches do immediately inspire disgust and signal that a room is filthy, they are very immensely interesting animals. Here are a few facts about them. Table of Contents Toggle Cockroaches are incredibly toughCockroaches Can Run Fast and Spread DiseaseCockroaches Are Ancient AnimalsCockroaches Eat Literally EverythingA Cockroach Can Live for Week Without Its HeadA Cockroach Can Hold Its Breath for 40 minutesNewborn German Cockroaches Become Adults…
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Interesting Facts About Rats
Rats are synonymous with sewers, page and poor hygiene in the minds of many people, but this amazing mammal is in fact very interesting. Rats are often thought of as dirty, disease-spreading vermin, but they can actually be quite clean animals. Rats have a very keen sense of smell and are able to detect food from several feet away. This allows them to find their way back to the nest after a good meal. Rats are known for their ability to survive almost anywhere, even in the most inhospitable conditions. They can live for up to two weeks without water…
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Interesting Facts About Wasps UK
You might associate wasps with the tiny little blighters that pester you when trying to eat picnics, but these sting-laden insects are in fact very intriguing. We’ve rounded up some interesting facts about wasps that will make you look at them in a different light. Here are some of our favourites: Table of Contents Toggle Most wasps are capable of stinging numerous timesSome species of wasp are known to strip the bark from treesWasps are carnivoresBoth the queens and the workers are femalesWasp workers only live for 12 to 22 daysThough wasp stings hurt, symptoms normally improve after a few…
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Rat Bite: Do Rats Really Attack Humans?
Yes, they do. But not all the time. The rats are not out to attack you, or even bite you. They simply want to eat and survive just like any other animal. However, if you happen to be in their way or if you try to harm them, then they will defend themselves by biting. Rats are rodents that are often found in homes and buildings. Rats can be a major problem, both because they carry many diseases and because they damage property. Table of Contents Toggle Do rats really attack humans?Why do rats bite?How much does a rat bite…
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Rat Poop | Identify Rat Droppings in Your Home
If you notice rat poop in your home, don’t freak out. Rats are common pests and they can be easily removed by a pest control company. However, if you’re not sure if the droppings are from a rat or another rodent, then there are ways to identify the signs of rat poop. You can also be proactive about keeping rats out of your home by installing exclusion devices and following proper sanitation practices. Table of Contents Toggle How to Identify and Clean Rat PoopAre rat droppings dangerous to dogs?How to Identify Rat Faeces?Do Rat Droppings Smell?How do you know if…
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Rats in the Garden?
Rats are hazardous pests. They can cause severe damage to your garden and your home. However, you may not notice them because they are nocturnal until it is too late. Here are some signs of rat activity in your garden and how to get rid of them. If you have a rat or rodent problem within your property and you are looking for a rat removal specialist, get in touch with the specialists at Eliminate Solutions immediately. You can telephone 0800 206 2679 or fill in our online contact form. We cover Scotland and Northern England. Table of Contents Toggle…
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Safe Methods For Getting Rid Of Pesky Wasps
Getting rid of wasps is a scary proposition, even to those who do it for a living. Getting rid of wasps becomes a necessity when wasps have built their nests too close for comfort. In order to know your way around getting rid of wasps, you need to first understand what type of wasps you are dealing with. Social wasps are the ones usually building their nests near human habitats. Because of their aggressive nature, it’s not safe living with these mean bugs, especially with young children and pets around. Yellow jackets, hornets and paper wasps all build nests/hives and…
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Squirrels Nest: Where Do Grey Squirrels Live?
Squirrels are small to medium-sized rodents, who live in trees. They have a long tail that is fluffy, and they have big eyes. They eat nuts, berries and some insects. Squirrels live in North America and Europe. Some squirrels live in cities and others live in forests. Squirrels make nests for themselves out of leaves, twigs and branches. Squirrels are a common sight in many neighbourhoods and parks. They live in trees, in attics and even in the walls of houses. Squirrels are considered more of a nuisance than a threat, but they can be very destructive to your home…
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Wasp Sting Allergy Conditions and Diseases
Insect stings can cause allergic reactions in some people. Honeybees cause the most common insect sting allergy, although other stinging insects such as wasps, hornets and yellow jackets can also cause problems. Some people are allergic to insect stings. The venom of stinging insects contains several chemicals that trigger the release of histamine, causing local tissue damage and other chemicals that cause allergic symptoms when introduced through a sting. Table of Contents Toggle Why are people allergic to wasp stings?What diseases can you get from a wasp sting?Can a wasp sting have long-term effects?How to treat a wasp sting?Can you…
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What Diseases Can You Catch From Pests?
Pests can be a huge problem for homeowners and businesses. They can cause damage to your property, disrupt your daily schedule and even spread disease. The good news is that pest control services are available in most areas. The bad news is that some pests can be difficult to eliminate completely. But how do you know which pests you should be worried about? What diseases can you catch from pests? Table of Contents Toggle What Diseases Can You Catch From Pests?What Diseases Do Cockroaches Carry?What Diseases Do Rats Carry?What Diseases Do Mosquitoes Carry?What Diseases Do Fleas Carry? What Diseases Can…
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What Diseases Do Rats Carry?
Rats and mice are known to carry a wide variety of diseases. Some of the diseases they carry can be transmitted to humans, while others can only be spread from rat to rat. They can carry bacteria and parasites, such as mites and ticks, and they can also carry viruses such as the rabies virus. PEST PROBLEMS? Book the experts today! Get A Quote Rats are known to carry fleas, which are the intermediate host of tapeworms. This means that rats can spread tapeworms to humans if we touch a rat or accidentally eat an infected flea. Fleas…
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What Do Ants Eat?
Ants are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. Ants feed on a wide range of foods, including seeds, fruits, nectar and other insects. Ants are social insects that live in colonies, which means that individual ants will share their food with the rest of the colony. This behaviour is known as trophallaxis and allows ants to store food for later use or to share with other members of the colony. Some ants feed on nectar or honeydew from sap-sucking insects such as aphids or mealybugs. These types of ants are called “honeypot” ants. The honeypot ant stores…
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What Do Rats Eat?
Despite their reputation, rats are not indiscriminate eaters. They have preferences just like humans do. Rats love fruit and vegetables. The best fruits for them include bananas, apples and pears; veggies like carrots, peas, corn and beans are also popular with rats. Bananas are one of their favourite treats! As far as non-protein snacks are concerned, rats love sweet things — particularly fruit — but they also enjoy salty foods like potato chips. Keep this in mind if you leave food out that can attract a rat to your premises. Here are some of the foods that rats tend to…
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What Does A Queen Wasp Look Like?
Queen wasps are the largest and most important members of a wasp colony. Identifying a queen wasp is important for understanding the structure of a wasp colony and for controlling wasp populations. The most obvious way to identify a queen wasp is by its size. Queen wasps are typically larger than other wasps in the colony, with a body length of up to 1.5 inches. They also have a more rounded abdomen than other wasps. Queen wasps also have a distinct colouration. They are usually darker than other wasps in the colony, with a black or dark brown body and…
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What Does a Wasp Sting Look Like?
An itching sensation often follows the painful sting of a wasp. The skin around the sting may become red and swollen. Wasp stings can be very serious for some people, particularly those with allergies or asthma. If you have a severe reaction to a wasp sting, seek immediate medical attention. The toxic fluid injected by wasps contains a complex protein. The main ingredients are histamine and hyaluronidase, which cause pain, swelling and redness around the sting site. The toxin also stimulates the release of other chemicals that cause additional reactions and symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Table of…
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What Is An Effective Wasp Removal Strategy?
Wasps are mean, and they sting! Even in your own house, they will sting you on the slightest provocation. It is not the wisest decision to try and move a wasp nest by yourself, so it is advisable to bring in the wasp nest removal experts. Should they decide to build their nests on your property, you must undertake wasp removal procedures as soon as possible. Wasps pose a great danger to children and pets. A wasp’s venom is quite deadly, and its sting is very painful since they sting its victims over and over again. Once you begin seeing…
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What Is The Life Cycle Of A Wasp?
Wasps make up a large superfamily of insects that includes yellow jackets and hornets, but this article will be about the wasps. You see, unlike bees and ants, wasps are not very social insects. They live alone except when they mate, lay eggs, and raise their young. In this article, we’ll talk about what the life cycle of a wasp is — how baby wasps grow up to become adults. Table of Contents Toggle What Is The Life Cycle Of A Wasp?The wasp life cycleThe expansion of the wasp colonyThe decline of the wasp colony during AutumnWinter – the end…
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What Should I Do If I Find A Rats Nest?
Rats can enter your home through various entry points, including doors and windows. If you have rats in your home, you may see rat droppings and signs of chewing. If you ask any of these questions, getting rid of rats is not that easy. Get in touch with the rat removal experts today before they overrun your property and cause further damage. Call today on 0800 206 2679 or fill in our online contact form. A rat nest is a significant accumulation of rat droppings, usually found along walls or under floors. The rats will often use the exact location…
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What Smells Do Mice Hate?
Mice are a very common pest in the United Kingdom. They can nest in your home and wreak havoc on your belongings. There are many different ways to get rid of mice, including employing the services of a mouse removal specialist, but one way that is not talked about much is using smells that mice hate to drive them away. Mice are very sensitive to smell. The reason for this is that they have a poor sense of vision so their other senses must be heightened in order for them to survive. If you want to repel mice from an…
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Who Needs Powder When You Have Wasp Removal Experts?
Wasps are only little insects – surely, getting rid of them is easy. Not! You don’t need killer powder when moving wasps from your property. You have wasp removal experts just local to you. When faced with a wasp nest in your home or garden, saving money and dealing with the problem might be tempting. Ridding yourself of a wasp infestation isn’t as simple as it sounds; however, there are several different reasons why this is a terrible idea. First and foremost, you should know that wasps are not just annoying pests but can be dangerous creatures in swarms. Wasps…
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Why Are There So Many Mole Hills Around?
Whether it is at the side of a road, in your garden or in a field, you may have seen mole hills around from early January. These hills may seem innocent, but they can do a lot of damage. Trip up on a molehill while playing football, this could be very painful! Out horse riding and the horse trips? You could be thrown off and the horse hurt. Trying to grow a new crop and hills appear, the root system of your barley could be damaged and affect your harvest. Breeding season for moles is generally February to June in…
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Why Do Ants Carry Dead Ants?
In the world of ants, there’s a lot of cooperation and sacrifice. When one ant is injured or sick, another ant may come along and lift it up by its legs and carry it away from danger. This can be quite a feat for a little insect, but it’s also an act of selflessness. Table of Contents Toggle Why Do Ants Carry Dead Ants?Other Reasons Why Ants Carry Other Dead AntsWhat Happens When Ants See A Dead Ant?Additional Details About The Ants Reactions Why Do Ants Carry Dead Ants? Ants are social insects that live in colonies with many members.…
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Why Do Wasps Follow You?
The answer is simple. Wasps are attracted to movement and smell. They are also a little more intelligent than people give them credit for. You see, wasps have developed an instinctive fear of humans because we are so much bigger than they are. When they sense a human presence nearby, they instinctively fly away from the threat. However, if they are curious about what you are doing and why you’re there, they might circle around you in an attempt to figure out what’s going on. PEST PROBLEMS? Book the experts today! Get A Quote If you were walking…
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